The Diva Dialogues

Copyright c MMVI by Janet E. Hopkins, all rights reserved

A concert series of songs, arias, and stories

Welcome to a unique performance series with New York Metropolitan Opera Mezzo-Soprano Janet Hopkins and pianist/composer Dennis Alexander. Choose one, two, or all three concerts in the series for a fun, informative evening of Opera, Art Songs, and Musical Theatre. Share an intimate evening of music, laughs, stories, trivia, quick-changes and audience participation that is educational, enlightening, and pure enjoyment. Each performance looks into the lives and music of six different characters in a truly unique and quirky mix of flawless vocal technique, comedy, and up close & personal gems about the composers and the performers who love them. The final segment is a selection of classic orchestral pieces with a twist. The audience gets the opportunity to taste these compositions of the masters set with original lyrics and test their own musical genius in figuring out the name and composer of these works…don’t worry, there are plenty of hints!

Each concert is approximately 75 minutes with no intermission.
To schedule your concert (series) and for more information please contact:

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Opus 1.

  1. Lascivious Lolas …spend a few moments with some of our more colorful women of song, the ladies of the night and how they got to be that way! Don’t worry, it’s still a family show, but you might learn more than you thought!
  2. Desperate Housefraus …oh, woe to the poor tragic females of our evening as we look into their cruel tragedies and hopeless lives and find out just what made them that way…but don’t take it too seriously, they aren’t always what they seem to be!
  3. Victorious Vixens …A toast to our strong women this evening, the conquerors and trend-setters, those who took strides into the future (though not always successfully)! No breast plate needed to enjoy this fun evening of music and laughs!
  4. Coy Collettes …an enchanting look into the sickly-sweet young things who might just go a tad overboard. Add a touch of history as to where they’re coming from, and you just might be surprised at how ‘coy’ they really are!
  5. Artistic Androgyny …An interesting look into the use of women playing men in the music world…not as strange as you may think! From Shakespeare to Victor/Victoria, are you always sure you can trust your eyes (or ears)?
  6. Wacky Women …hold onto your hats, they’re here! Ready to bite your head off, sell their children, and generally wreak havoc and chaos wherever they go!
  7. Name That Tune …now it’s your turn to work! Can you name these familiar melodies with a few lyrical though unconventional hints? Come test your musical intelligence…and the answer is?

Opus 2.

  1. Man-hater …”Oh, cruel world, why send us men to make life worse?” A luscious night of men bashing, opera style! Add a little humor into the mix, and what a night we’ll have!
  2. Definitive Divas …we all know them, the greater-than thou women! Here’s a look into the oh-so-uppity and always one-up-ing ladies from the past to the present. This is our chance to get even!
  3. Ladies-in-Waiting …always a bridesmaid, never a bride. Those “poor” serving girls who must tote that barge and lift that bail…and know where all the skeletons are buried! Come and find out who really runs the household!
  4. Dead Ma’am Walking …just when you thought it was safe to go home, these ‘one more aria before I die’ girls need to get the last word in!
  5. Jibberjabber …and poppycock! Nonsense and mish-mash are the keys to these songs about…uh…well, the verdict is still out! Come and cast your vote!
  6. Shameless Hussies …these ‘ladies’ are out to tame the male species in a way only the working girl can! From Gypsy to Carmen, you’ll see them all!
  7. Name That Tune …now it’s your turn to work! Can you name these familiar melodies with a few lyrical though unconventional hints? Come test your musical intelligence…and the answer is?

Opus 3.

  1. Wheel of Misfortune …These poor ladies just can’t get a break. Lady luck has turned her back on these unfortunate creatures…come and sympathize for these born losers!
  2. Prim and Proper Primas …these prissy, white-gloved girls show their true colors with their nose-in-the-air attitudes and better-than-thou thinking…come join me in a tribute to the ‘high and mighty’ (and oh how they do fall!)
  3. Whinemaidens …those women we all love to hate! (and dodge at parties). Come celebrate the lives of the complainer, the always sicker than you and the ‘no-one understands me’ girls!
  4. Mommie (in law )Dearest …hide the children, here they come with their stodgy, check-for-dust-on-the-ledge, super critical points of view that might make you feel right at home!
  5. A Self-Maid woman …Those poor girls who ‘slave’ over a hot stove all day! Welcome to the doldrums of selective servitude. Don’t you just hate dishpan hands! Come and commiserate with our poor little Stepfords!
  6. Dumb and Dumber …beyond blonde, these girls can’t find their way off the stage with a roadmap! Looks aren’t everything, but it sure helps when the brains are lacking! Come titter at these poor challenged girls as we raise an eyebrow and shake our heads in awe and respect at their success!
  7. Name That Tune …now it’s your turn to work! Can you name these familiar melodies with a few lyrical though unconventional hints? Come test your musical intelligence…and the answer is?


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